
What is Church Membership?

When you join FBC Houston as a church member, you are not joining a business or a country club. Church membership means this: As I have trusted Jesus for my salvation and been baptized as the first step of obedience to Jesus, I now am joining hands with other believers just like me who want to grow in Christ and live for Christ.

Being a member of FBC Houston means that we care for one another and desire to see each other grow more and more like Jesus.

Membership at FBC Houston also means participating. Just as all the members of our bodies participate in helping the body live and breath, so too ALL church members are to participate in helping the Body of Christ live and breath.

Our First and Primary allegiance at FBC Houston is not to the building, organization, or plans. Our First and Primary allegiance is to Christ and Christ alone. We are HIS church. We aim to grow and live more in Jesus Christ.

Interested in Joining FBC Houston?

If you have questions, or you are interested in joining FBC Houston as a member, please fill out the form below!

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